Where Is the Save Button in Legend of Crystal
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In The Legend of Zelda games, the save function is an important feature which should be used often during your adventure to keep your progress over time. Each game has a different way of saving, which you'll learn in this article.
Press the A, B, Start, and Select buttons at the same time. This will bring up a screen with a "Save" option. Select this option to save the game. This screen will also appear if you lose all of your life energy at any point during the game.
Insert two controllers into your console before you start the game.
Press Up and A on the second controller to bring up a screen with a "Save" option. Select this option to save the game.
- Alternatively, losing all three of your lives will bring up this screen.
Press the Select button (Start on the Game Boy Advance version) to bring up a screen with a "Save" option. Select this option to save the game.
Press the A, B, Start, and Select buttons at the same time. Press the A, B, and Select buttons before you press Start. This will bring up a screen with a "Save" option. Select this option to save the game. You'll also get this screen if you lose all of your life energy at any point during the game.
Press the Start button to bring up your inventory screen, and press the B button to bring up a screen asking if you want to save. Select "Yes" to save your game.
- In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, press the Start button to bring up the screen and select "Yes" to save your game.
There are two methods of saving your game in Majora's Mask.
Play the Song of Time to go back to the first day and save your progress.
Hit an owl statue with your sword, and talk to it to save. This save, however, is temporary, and will be lost once you reload the save file.
- In Majora's Mask 3D, the owl statues are now permanent saves and the Song of Time does not save anymore.
Press the Start button to bring up your inventory screen, and press Select twice to bring up a screen asking if you want to save. Select "Save" to save your game.
Press the Start button to bring up your inventory screen, and go to the screen where your sword, shield, learned songs, etc. are. Select the "Save" button, and confirm when it asks you if you want to save your game.
- In the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, the "Save" button is on the "Items" screen on the GamePad.
Press the Start button to bring up your inventory screen, and go to the "Items" screen. Confirm when it asks you if you want to save your game.
Press the Start button (on the GameCube controller) or Plus button (on the Wii controller) to bring up the inventory screen. Select the "Save" button, and confirm when it asks you if you want to save to save your game.
Tap "Menu" at the bottom screen, and select the "Save" option. Confirm when it asks you if you want to save to save your game.
Find a Bird Statue, which can be found at a number of locations in the game. Talk to it, and select the "Save" option to save your game.
Find a Weather Vane, which you can find at important areas of the game. Talk to it, and select the "Save" option when it asks you if you want to save your game.
Press the button to open the system menu and scroll to the right most menu, where a save option will appear. Select the save option then select the option that appears in the pop up menu.
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Save periodically so you can keep your data if the game crashes.
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Where Is the Save Button in Legend of Crystal
Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Save-in-The-Legend-of-Zelda-Games
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